I have been reading
this cookbook recently. It is great. All of the recipes I made tasted great(except the mac-n-cheese; i couldn't find frozen winter squash so I made my own squash but did not pick out a winter squash,. i picked out spaghetti squash and it turned out very very badly, in fact I'm getting a little nauseous just thing about it)
This isn't actually a recipe in the book but something she talks about. Instead of putting butter, peanut butter, or cream cheese on these bagels (all of which are not so great for you) I spread on half an avocado (as you might have guessed from the green). It was very good.

These crazy things were from a bread book I got from the library, unfortunately I returned but i think it was this
book. I also cooked these biscuits a bit to long so they didn't taste all that good either, very sad after spending upwords of 8 hours on them. If I had only taken them out when I looked at the timer and saw 3 min left. Also, the small ball on top, I have a feeling that I made it to big, that the bottom ball was supposed to be bigger and then they could have cooked that 3 min longer without burning.