There where several problems, 1) no knitting gauge, 2) this is a super fine yarn, 3) hand wash hot only (what is that?). Upon closer inspection it did say to used a US 3 knitting needle, but there also was a key ingredient that I was missing. On the other side of the ball band there was this:
This yarn is best used as a carrier thread with another larger yarn.
Well that says it all right there. Something that I might have seen if the yarn wasn't on clearance.
This turned out to be OK. I just got a nice worsted weight yarn and held the peach fuzz double with it. I'm using size 9 needles and really like the resulting fabric, nice and warm. It's not quite as soft as what I was imagining but still nice. Also, I will end up only using 2 1/2 of the skeins that I have so I see 2 more of these blankets coming. All was going along quite nicely and I was very happy about using stash.

I'm going to go and pick up another Caron 1 lb, if they sell have that colorway (not likely knowing my luck) or what ever acrylic at the store is closest. I have some other acrylic stash that is close and will have to do if I can't find anything better. If there wasn't a dead line I would probably throw this in the closet and tell myself that at some point I will rip back all of the decreasing and several rows of the increasing and re-knit to be able to finish with what I have. Another plan that is running though my head it to rip back 4 rows, knit a eyelet row, then one regular and then bind off. Making a blanket something like this:

Any opinions?
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