See how it is on the ground too. At first I figured that it had to of happened somewhere else that was under trees and they simply moved their car and did not get it washed. This theory does not explain it being on the ground too. I really wanted to move my car but my hubby said there is no way that this will happen ever again and to leave it. (that's our tail light on the corner)
Now onto my knitting, I finished the dress last night!! I can't decide if I like it but I really hope it fits or if it doesn't that she doesn't grow into it until next spring. The dress will be no good in the winter with out a heavy layer underneath. I had changed the needle sizes up on because I wanted to make a 1 year size that the pattern only went up to 9 months and I really didn't want to calculate out the new stitch count. This made the fabric more open and airy than the pattern intended.

This pattern came from Erika Knight's Simple Knits for Cherished Babies. (I had this book and was knitting several patterns from it at the time I bought her other one and didn't even realize it until a few days latter when I had both books sitting on top of each other.) I have also made a baby boy outfit from this book and really liked the patterns. The teddy bear was fun to knit too and my first plush knit. Unfortunately I never took any photos of that outfit, but it was really cute.
My only beef with this book and Erika Knight is, What IS Cotton Tape? Is it ribbon, is it basting tape or is it something you can only get in Europe? The cotton tape is in almost ever baby outfit and I can't find it at the craft stores around here or am looking in the wrong area. I gave up and used ribbon (also couldn't find cotton ribbon so had to use the polyester) The outfits turned out fine and this is not really a problem at all, it just is naging me that I can't find it.
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