Now I had said before that I loved this yarn, now I still do but I am angry at it (or at least was Friday night) The yarn is a baby yarn!! Yes I found baby yarn in grey. It is Sweet Delight Baby in soft licorice. Since my nephew will be 3 I obviously did not what to make this in baby colors but wanted a soft yarn that would not irritate his still soft skin. My husband did not understand this when yelling at me to take the first yarn that what the right color. I can't believe how many different colors this comes in. I will defiantly be buying it again.
Now for why I am angry at the yarn. It knotted very badly and I had to eventually cut it out. I never have to cut knots. I was the worse knot I had ever seen and worked at the damn thing for well over 2 hours before giving up and getting the scissors. Now this knot might very well me my fault (I can only say this in retrospect). I went to see Batman and brought it with me to knit in the theater. (I had never done this before and was very proud of myself, however I did look pretty ridiculous. My husband could only get tickets for the 6 o'clock show so I had to come right after work. Now when I got dressed for work that morning I didn't know that this would happen and didn't have a change of clothes with me. I had worn a dress and since I commute on the train I leave my work souse at work and change into my tennis shoes to go to and from. Well I was wearing a work dress (not a going out dress, very different) and tennis shoes with socks. Did not give a very good name to knitters with my apparel) But anyway I was knitting in the dark for about an hour before the knot appeared. Now since I was knitting in the dark I could not see the knot start for form (I was getting to the end of the skein where the loops tend to over lap and can cause knots) and was therefore not able to de-knot as I went along. So this monstrosity of a knot formed. I spent the next 1 1/2 hours of the movie trying to get this thing out and then about another 30 min once I got home in the light. With the light letting me know just how bad it really was I had to give up.
But as it turns out me not being able to knit for that last 1 1/2 hours was actually a good thing. I had just gotten to the row where I needed to start my decreases. I of course did not measure after the knot incident so I had to rip out all the knitting that I did once I got home (a good inch). Now if I had knitted during the rest of the movie that would have been much more.
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