Talk about knitting upholstery, some one made a sock for this sign post. True I'm pretty sure it is crochet and not knit but still, quite impressive. Whoever made this must have made it right on the pole, maybe everyday while waiting for the light (quite along light since it is Michigan Ave) they chained on a new row? (or whatever the correct crocheting term for another row is)
Found this inside the Art Institute, it used to be a panel under a stair railing,

Also, can you say Native American quilt?
The repetition of basically the same design reminded me of exactly a quilt. This is painted on a animal skin but still looks of the thing. The sign on the wall says that it was actually a partition to separate off a holy room for the chief or something like that. I didn't read that far in because me and hubby started arguing about whether it was outside-inside wall or inside-inside wall. The sign clearly said inside-inside (without using those exact words but the point was pretty clear) but sometimes men just don't listen.

After the Art Institute we stepped right into the 1950's. This is Patty Burger just a half block down Adams. It has a very small street front but the colors were just to much to pass up. I didn't actually now the decade we were traveling to but my mom-in-law confirmed the date. Very good food.
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