My family is a big Italian family (ok so not at all, we are big on being part Italian but small in numbers, my great grandfather was all Italian but this is all I have in me) We used to have a yearly ravioli party. We would make enough to cover a queen sized bed, they eat ourselves silly. We haven't done this family tradition in quite a while (family drama) but this year it has come back. We didn't quite cover a queen sized bed, only 3 cookie sheets, but it was scrumptious.

Also, this year I was old enough to help make the ravioli, not just crimp the edges with a fork. It is actually pretty easy to make the ravioli dough (but then I think making bread is pretty easy now so...) The recipe is also simple enough to memorise it from just one go around:
4 cups shifted flour
2 tsp salt
2 tbl oil
1 egg
1 cup warm water
put flour and salt in bowl and stir. create a dip in the middle (shove it all to the sides) and add egg, oil and water and slowly incorporate in flour. Once incorporated, kneed for 10 min, adding flour as necessary. Cover and let rest for 30 min. Role out, cut, stuff, fold over, crimp with fork.
Let rest for 10 to 20 min in fridge or for the time it takes to boil the water, boil in water until done. A good indication of when they are almost done is once they start floating to the top.

Voila!! That's-a-good-a-meat-a-ball.
The view from my grandma's backyard is also great!!
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