Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can

I might actually finish the baby dress by the deadline, Sunday at 3 pm. This weekend did not turn out to be as productive as I had hoped and was in despair Monday morning when I only had about 4 inches of the dress done. This pattern has 11 1/2" until I can start decreasing (the rest goes fairly quickly because to get the puffy thing going you have a row of all k2tog to get you back to actual baby size)

Here is what sucked my time this weekend:

1) I fell asleep in the car on the way to my Grandmas house!! All that sun (and sunburn) from the 4th drained all of my energy and I could not make my self keep on going and I had the whole backseat to my self to stretch out it...

2) Sunday promised a long period of knitting since my husband had a lot of homework to do but instead this is what me and my brother created:

it is a pitching target for my husband made out of PVC pipe. Yes it took all day and no we did not finish it yet. However it was allot of fun, me and my bro don't do that much together any more. My hubby was making fun of us since we are two engineers putting our 'expertise to work'. It was really more like being envious of our skill and gratitude that we made it than making fun. He was really stressed out over school and needed a way to calm down. My brother does not like being a catcher for by hubby, he says 'your no good and are going to kill me'. So my hubby went to target and bought a target but it ended up being the size of a kid. He then got even more upset and that's why my brother steeped in and declared that we were going to make a even better one. The two models turned out to be the same price (give or take 25 cents) but we did look at Sports Authority and the one that matched our size ran for $80 so I would like to think that we saved $40 not broke even.

3) Monday on the train to work and home from work I once again fell asleep after only 2 or 3 rows. The pitching target kept me up fairly late and Mondays I get up early to go to the gym.

But something wonderful saved me and the project at hand yesterday. Not only did I stay awake both ways on the train and got about 3-4 inches done but I went to the SNBWE, stich'n'bitch western suburbs and got in another couple of inches, all the way to 11!!! And then this morning I got to do the first two decrease rows. Only 6 more rows to go until the glorious k2tog row and them I'm home free. At this rate I am indeed going to go to the party with my head held high, and not stay at home and mail my gift in shame.

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